As we all know, the devastating earthquake in the Turkey/Syria region has tragically affected many lives and still continues to cause pain and suffering for many families affected.

Here at Myddelton College we have been feeling so helpless and decided we wanted to support our sixth-form students Zeynep and Ekin, who have been directly affected by this disaster.

We decided we would create a charity song so that we could raise as much money as possible.

Our Myddelton students and Welsh opera singer Sioned Terry have collaborated with Brothers Abide to record a cover of the song Til We Can Run to raise money for the victims of the Turkey-Syria earthquake.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to all those who have been affected.

I am reaching out to a number of charities and school associations in solidarity, to ask that you share the video we have produced at Myddelton College. 

As of posting this yesterday, we have raised over £750 and hope to reach our target of £5000 to donate to Oxfam which can provide aid and support. 

Would the Welsh Independent Schools be willing share are our charity song post, along with links to the JustGiving fundraiser? 

It would mean so much to our school and our students.

Myddeelton College –

Song and Just Giving Page –